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Software Testing

What is Software Testing and why do companies need it?

Learn about Software Testing: what is, main types, advantages and why do companies need it.

Nicolás Mosconi
August 12, 2024

Software testing ensures that software performs adequately and offers user satisfaction. Testers ensure the software's performance is not sacrificed; they run various tests using manual and automated testing approaches.

What is Software Testing?

Software testing is a critical process that offers an analysis that enables the testers to identify and evaluate the application. It determines whether the newly developed app meets the Business Requirement Specifications. It is a continuous process known as Software Testing Life Cycle.

This process works with the software development life cycle, verifying each functionality at every stage and validating the app's performance. Besides, when it comes to checking and delivering bug-free software, testing can help improve the functionalities and usability of apps.

With different testing approaches, development companies test applications, making them safer and more reliable for their clients.

Types of Software Testing

Software applications can be validated and verified in two ways by applying two different types of testing – Automation and Manual Testing.

Automation Testing

Automation testing is an approach where the testers write different scripts and then rely on external software to perform software tests. Besides, when the testers want to double-check the product's quality, even the manually tested software has to go through the automation tools. And this is the type of testing that assures great accuracy level and cost-efficiency.

Manual Testing

Manual testing is quite different; as the name suggests, it is a straightforward process of testing the software manually. It doesn't require an automated testing tool enabling testers to check the software automatically. Instead, the tester can work on the software and perform the testing process.

The manual tester can easily detect errors and bugs by following through with different levels of application tests.

Who should be in charge of Software Testing?

There are several options for how companies can set up their software testing processes. Any of them can be applied. It all depends on the needs and plans of an organization, as well as on the desired result.

In-house QA department

Some companies create their own QA department and develop them; this is often a long and cumbersome process that requires a significant investment of time and money.

At the initial stages, objectively estimating all subsequent testing costs and effectiveness is difficult. If you lack in-house expertise, hiring a third-party QA company to assess and identify the team's skill set is worth the expense.

Software testing specialists must be competent so that their work generates value. Moreover, it is not only about technical knowledge but also about soft skills, the ability to work in a team, ask the right questions, and understand the user's essential needs and business tasks.


Sometimes it is easier for companies to contact expert consultants for one-time help - i.e., hiring a team for a specific project or request which provides software testing services. Such specialists work with various projects and developers and can effectively solve particular one-time tasks.


Software testing outsourcing is a reasonably effective way of organizing processes. The benefit of this option is that companies devote all their efforts to development and receive professional support in the testing field simultaneously. Outsourcing leads to cost savings, simplified operations, and a greater focus on the company's core activities.

Another significant benefit of outsourcing testing is its objectivity. The company's employees have a better understanding of the product specifics and are aware of its features. But at the same time, they are often prisoners of their tunnel thinking, don't see the big picture, and don't know the market well enough.

External testers are usually up on the market trends. They will likely have dealt with similar issues and understand various business scenarios for developing the assigned task.

Finally, the benefit of outsourcing software testing is that the independent consultant can honestly and promptly talk to senior managers if they find problems. At the same time, in-house employees delay or hide bad news.

Advantages of Software Testing

Here are some of the top reasons that show the importance of software testing


Security is one of the most important reasons for software testing. And to consider it can be the smartest choice of it all. Security is a crucial, sensitive, and vulnerable part of software testing. In some situations, all the necessary components and company information can get stolen.

Therefore, security is considered the most reliable reason to make people believe in the quality of the software. Security is one thing that ensures that the product is safer to use.

Customer Satisfaction

The main objective of the business owners of the products is to provide the best services and better customer satisfaction. Adopting a software testing process is essential to offer quality and customer satisfaction as it allows for the perfect user experience.

As the software development company tries to develop the best software for their clients with a testing approach, they will earn a reputation for being reliable with their clients.

Therefore, having a robust software testing approach is crucial to get praise from the clients and offering them a system that enables long-term benefits. A properly tested and secured system earns the client's trust easily and also becomes safer to make transactions.

Product Quality

Adhering to a product's specifications is necessary to guarantee that some products are securely brought to life. In addition, you must ensure that the product you deploy to customers is top-notch without any errors.

Furthermore, it must consistently deliver on its promises. Therefore, testing the software before launch is necessary to ensure it operates as expected.

And what's more significant is verifying the software's compatibility with various devices before releasing it. For instance, ensuring that any software you plan to release is compatible with multiple hardware and operating systems is imperative. Again, this demonstrates the software's caliber and can only be achieved through thorough software testing.

Saves Money

Software testing comes with various benefits, one of which is cost-effectiveness; this is why organizations go for software testing services. Software testing comprises a vast array of projects. When the testers find bugs in the early stage, fixing those bugs doesn't cost much.

Therefore, it has become a prerequisite for every business owner to hire a tester or quality analyst with great experience and thorough knowledge of the projects.

A tester detects bugs in the product in parallel with the development process; This makes it possible to promptly make adjustments to parts of the product on the one hand and see the whole process on the other hand.

Therefore, later on, it is easier to put the entire puzzle together and get a better product outcome faster. The sooner mistakes are found and corrected; the less time is devoted to them during meetings and discussions. Hence this saves time for the whole team.

It is also essential to mention the costs entailed by the late detection of bugs - at the stage when the product is already launched. After all, according to the terms of most agreements between the customer and the contractor, eliminating errors falls on the shoulders of the development company.

Besides, some untimely detected bugs are so critical that they require tremendous changes in the product, which in turn causes the need for additional costs.

Easy to Add New Features

It becomes more difficult to update an application when the code is old and interconnected. And this is why tests are performed that counteract this calcification tendency and enable the developers to add new features to the software. Accurate testing can get specific details about the old and unconnected areas of the code so that developers can rectify or remove them and add new code for the features required.

Enhances Development Process

With the help of Quality Assurance, software testing service providers can find various errors and scenarios. And once they get a hold of the information about bugs, the developers can quickly help in fixing them in very little time.

The software testers should parallel work with the development team to accelerate the procedure. Software testers can detect various errors and scenarios and identify bugs so developers can easily fix them quickly, ensuring a smooth development process; software testers should collaborate with the development team in parallel to speed up the process.

Protects brand reputation

Low performance damages an application's standing in the market. As a result, users no longer favor using that application. It can also damage a company's reputation irrevocably.

As a result, software or application should only be released onto the market after first going through software testing. The software must be released once it is operating flawlessly.

Continuous testing is also necessary to maintain the software's effectiveness and reliability even after the launch. In essence, everything is lost if the software's performance declines.

As a result, it is critical to consider software testing as the best option for determining software performance and saving your brand's reputation.

Boosts customer contentment

The primary goal of product owners is to provide the best services and improve customer satisfaction. Adopting a software testing process is crucial for delivering quality and customer satisfaction because it offers the ideal user experience.

Early investment in quality assurance shows your clients you are concerned about their experience. You want them to receive everything they desire and more. And establishing long-term customer relationships depends on this message.


IT sector businesses must constantly improve to maintain their image, retain clients, attract new customers, and increase profits. Establishing high-quality QA processes is a critical area that companies must develop.

Testing both at the project level and at the global business process level is a tool that provides a means to solve many problems or avoid them altogether.

As seen in this blog, the importance of software testing is precious in software development. Software testing is a delicate process that ensures the perfect product quality while offering better usability and enhanced functionality and reducing maintenance costs.

Therefore, whenever you hire a software development company for your project, hire a team of expert software testers who can use the latest tools and techniques to secure your product and ensure its quality.

Are you looking for a partner to provide your company with an experienced team of Quality Assurance professionals? Please get in contact with us today!