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React vs. Vue: Which one to choose?

JavaScript frameworks are essential for app development nowadays, and many individuals are fighting between React and Vue for their projects. Despite years of debate, picking a clear winner is difficult because both have advantages and disadvantages. We've put together this article to assist you in deciding between React and Vue and figure out which one is right for you.

Marny Lopez
May 13, 2024

What is React?

Components are at the core of every React application, and modules that produce output on their own are known as components. 

React components can be used to create user interface elements such as buttons and input fields. Components are composable, and the output of an element may contain one or more other elements.

In another way, we write React apps by writing React components that represent various user interface elements. The structure of our application is defined by how we organize these components within higher-level features. 

Each component must follow strict data management rules in any React app. Complex data and application states are common in user interfaces with complex interactive capabilities. 

There is a limited amount of surface area in React, and its purpose is to give us the tools to anticipate how our app will look under various conditions. 


What is Vue?

Vue is a front-end framework that can easily integrate into an existing app. From this, a single-page app could be created as well. 

In other words, we can use it to extend the functionality of current apps or build entirely new ones. 

Vue is a component-based framework, which means applications are built by nesting components and passing data between them.

What are the similarities between React and Vue?

Given that both frameworks share some tools, features, and communication capabilities, let's take a quick look at the points.

  • The most remarkable similarity between these frameworks is that both use virtual DOM as the browser rendering system.
  • It can be used in conjunction with any other website application.
  • A responsive, lightweight approach enables developers to respond more quickly.
  • Both are adaptable, quick, and powerful.
  • While the community support structure is distinct for each, it is sufficiently large.
  • Each of them includes a vast library and a set of tools.

Critical differences between React and Vue

While there are some similarities between the top two JavaScript frameworks, there are some significant differences in performance, architecture, documentation, and other characteristics that distinguish them from one another in their application domain.

The main difference is in the approach taken by the React and Vue frameworks. 

Vue uses both HTML templates and JSX, whereas React uses only JSX, which can make things faster and easier, but frequently complicates simple things. 

On the other hand, react provides expert developers with DOM manipulation, components, and component state management. New developers may dislike such difficulties and opt for more straightforward frameworks such as Vue.

Major advantages of React

  • In the documentation for React, there are detailed solutions to common issues. It's easy to customize because of the simple design.
  • Faster application performance (virtual DOM support)
  • Easier component understanding due to the linking of JavaScript and HTML in JSX. 
  • Server-side rendering opportunities. 
  • Implementation of functional programming concepts through the creation of testable and reusable code.
  • TypeScript support. There will be fewer bugs, more accessible project support, and the ability to build an app from scratch quickly. 
  • A prototype application can be developed in a much shorter period. Applications can be created quickly by experienced programmers.
  • There is no need to develop separate apps for iOS and Android. Intermediary libraries are used to launch your application.

Major disadvantages of React

  • Because of the rapidity of technology advances, the environment constantly changes, making it challenging to keep up. As a result, the developer's skills must be continuously updated.
  • It's challenging to keep up with the rapid pace of change and acceleration, making proper documentation difficult. 
  • React only covers the app's UI Layers, so you'll need to use other technologies for other development parts.
  • React uses JavaScript XML (JSX), which is an XML or HTML-like JavaScript syntax extension. It extends ES6 by being processed into React Framework JavaScript calls. This allows HTML-like text and JavaScript react code to coexist. However, because of the learning curve's complexity, it also acts as a barrier.

Major Advantages of Vue

  • Vue.'s simplicity is the first and most important advantage. It's simple to learn for new developers, so once you've mastered the fundamentals of JavaScript, you can start building simple applications.
  • It's also worth noting the tool's speed, which is due not only to its excellent optimization but also to its small size of about 23 Kb.
  • Vue is an open-source framework that can be developed and customized by anyone. Furthermore, unlike Angular and React, Vue is not owned by a corporation and is continually developed by a community of Vue enthusiasts.
  • Finally, the Vue documentation justifies the special mention because it is obvious and explains the framework's various functions in a simple manner.

Major Disadvantages of Vue

  • Although it may appear strange, having too much freedom can be damaging. Over-flexibility causes developers to make more decisions, which is a problem. This can slow down production and cause development styles to conflict if there isn't a consensus among the team.
  • Many of the resources for documentation, discussions, and tutorials are written in Chinese, making it difficult for developers who only work in English to use the framework. 
  • Vue's ecosystem is small compared to its competitors because it is still a young framework developed by a small team of developers. 

Which one is better?

Currently, the most popular frameworks are React and Vue, each of which has its own set of advantages and disadvantages and a slew of other considerations that aren't covered here. 

Overall, both frameworks allow for the creation of complex functionality using templates and are suitable for a wide range of project types.

React has a larger community than Vue, so you'll probably get an answer sooner. Vue.js has a more straightforward learning curve, allowing developers to jump right into their projects. It appears that Vue.js has improved upon many of React's concepts.

I hope you found this article helpful in deciding which framework to use for your next project.