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Python or PHP: Which one to choose in 2023?

The debate between Python and PHP has been ongoing for years, and with the ever-evolving world of technology, it's important to stay up to date on the best programming languages for web development. As we move into 2023, the question of whether to choose Python or PHP is more relevant than ever. In this blog post, we'll explore the key differences between the two languages, the latest trends and developments, and help you make an informed decision on which language is the best fit for your needs in the year ahead. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, this comparison will provide valuable insights to guide your choices.

Marny Lopez
May 13, 2024

What is Python?

Python is a high-level programming language with Guido van Rossum-developed dynamic semantics. It is object-oriented and interpreted, and in 1991 it became available for purchase. Python is a tribute to the British comedy group Monty Python and is meant to be both simple and entertaining. 

The Python language has a reputation for being beginner-friendly since it manages much of the complexity for the user, displacing Java as the most popular programming language for beginners and allowing them to focus on understanding programming ideas rather than minute details.

Uses of Python

·   Python is used for artificial intelligence and data analysis

·   It is used for scripting or automation in web development

·   It can work for software prototyping and testing

·   Used for programming programs

·   Plays a significant role in game creation

·   Helps in Finance

·   You can choose language development

·   It can help with SEO

·   You can use it for your routine tasks

·   It is used for the visualization of data

What is PHP?

PHP is the most popular open-source, all-purpose server-side scripting language for developing dynamic websites and apps. Rasmus Lerdorf invented it in 1994. According to a survey, PHP is used to develop about 79 percent of the websites in their database.

It also creates numerous CMS (Content Management Systems) like Drupal, WordPress, WooCommerce, Shopify, and other web apps.

Uses of PHP

·  The creation of dynamic websites uses it.

·  Getting in touch with the web server (Apache etc.)

·  Interacting with any database server or back-end, such as MySQL

·  Interaction with the operating system's native file system

·  To put the logical business layers in place (one or more)

·  It can Data Access Cookies Variable and Cookie Setting

·  PHP allows you to limit a user's access to a specific web page.

·  PHP is frequently used to generate HTML code for browsers.

·  Used to link a web application to a database

·  Emails are sent and received using it.

·  PHP can get the current date and create a monthly calendar.

·  You can use PHP to rotate banner ads hosted on your website randomly.

·  You can track the number of visitors to your website using PHP.

·  Create a section of your website just for members using PHP.

·  You can create a login page for your user using PHP.

·  PHP can create, open, read, write, and close files on a system, among other system functions.

·  It can work with forms, collect data from files, and save data to a file.

·  PHP allows you to set cookie variables and add, remove, and alter elements in your database.

·  PHP allows you to restrict access to specific sections of your website.

·  Encrypting the data is possible.

PHP vs. Python, which one to use in 2023

You are sharing a discussion about both PHP and Python so that you may choose the best for your support.

Comfort of Use

Python is an open-source, portable, and flexible programming language that is easy to use. Programming in the Python syntax is simple, and PHP coding is more difficult to understand than Python scripting.

PHP isn't a standard programming language since it's employed to develop dynamic HTML web pages, making PHP less productive than Python. As a result, Python performs better than PHP in terms of ease of use.

Community Support

Since Python has been in use for many years, a large community is ready to help you in any way. It is more receptive due to its size and readiness to support its members.

PHP also has a solid and active developer community. Since their community members constantly provide PHP learning and development. There will be no PHP versus Python.


Machine learning-based web applications are in high demand, and a key component of Python is machine learning. Python has many machine-learning packages, including Tensorflow, Pandas, Theano, and Scikit-learn. These libraries are speedy, dependable, and unique and function with any web framework without issues.

Remember that PHP is only suitable for online development, whereas Python is helpful in various disciplines besides web development. Python thus surpasses PHP in this regard.

Pace Of Market

Python includes many third-party libraries, packages, and modules that may speed up project completion. For instance, the well-known web framework Django was created in Python. Developers may quickly design applications with high responsibility separation and reusability using the MVC paradigm.

The toolset for PHP consists of frameworks and libraries. For instance, the most well-known PHP framework, Laravel, supports the MVC architecture and includes several convenient web development tools, including templating, routing, authentication, and others.

Library Managing

Python utilizes Pip to manage packages. Pip ensures that creating Python apps is quick, easy, and adheres to all development standards.

The library management in PHP is less potent than that in Python, and Python provides a more significant collection of libraries and practical tools for creating web applications. Consequently, Python wins.

Web Framework

The PHP and Python web development frameworks are both forceful and well-designed. Many significant businesses use PHP's web frameworks, and examples of well-known frameworks with a sizable community behind them include Symfony and Laravel. Because of this, PHP makes building websites simple.

Python includes a lot of outstanding frameworks, and flask and Django are the two most well-known Python-based web frameworks. Developers prefer Django over PHP-based frameworks since they are simpler to set up and take less time to build.


Python is a well-liked security choice for businesses. For example, Django has a few built-in security features that help shield applications from various dangers. Numerous government organizations also employ Python as a top-secret hacking tool.

Even though Python's strong community has helped resolve most of the problems, PHP is less secure than Python. Python thus prevails over PHP at this point.

Python Debugger, or debugging

The default debugger for Python is called PDB (Python Debugger). It uses a range of debugging methods. PDB supports dynamic typing, which frees developers from having to make every announcement at the beginning of a program.

The XDebug package, which PHP includes for developers, enables them to fix bugs and error-check their code. However, PHP development takes longer to discover and correct faults and has numerous security problems.

Control of the Environment

Python has shown to be the best programming language when it comes to dealing with environments. Users can rapidly switch between various language versions thanks to its capability.

Python is superior to PHP in this area. Although archived and unmaintained, VirtPHP, a PHP alternative, is accessible. Therefore, PHP developers favor using containers. Consequently, Python wins.

Easy to Learn

Unquestionably, learning Python is easier. It's easy to understand this general-purpose programming language. Finding an introductory programming course is simple, and applications written in Python are more straightforward and shorter than those reported in other languages.

PHP is intended for sophisticated web apps instead of standalone, simple applications; the language isn't all-purpose; therefore, learning PHP requires more time than learning Python.