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Node.js for your backend in 2023: Comparisons and reasons

There are several reasons why you should be using Node.js for your backend. Learn in this article the reasons and some comparisons we make with other popular technologies.

Nicolás Mosconi
May 13, 2024

What is Node.js?

Node.js is a software development technology used by some of the most prominent companies worldwide to build fast, high-quality applications, from Netflix and PayPal to LinkedIn.

Developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009, it's an open-source JavaScript runtime environment and library for running web applications. Its latest version was released in April 2021. 

Development teams use Node.js to create server-side, cross-platform web applications, as it is ideal for data-intensive solutions thanks to its asynchronous, event-driven model.

It is used primarily for non-blocking, event-driven servers, such as traditional websites and backend API services.

However, it was initially designed with real-time, push-based architectures in mind. Every browser has its version of a JavaScript engine, and node.js is constructed on Google Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.

With Node.js, entire websites can run on a unified stack, which allows for quick and easy development and maintenance, enabling teams to focus on meeting the project's business goals.

Node.js is open source which means it is free to use and constantly improved by a global community. Node.js is neither a framework nor a library but a runtime environment.

A runtime environment contains lightweight, flexible, and easy-to-deploy Web APIs that developers can access to build code, along with a JavaScript engine that parses that code, which helps to optimize and speed up your application project.

Whereas most runtime environments rely on multi-threaded processing models, Node.js employs a single-thread design. 

In multiple-thread processing, a thread is utilized every time a request is received until all threads are used.

When this occurs, the server has to wait for an active thread to become free again. Restricted threads can make for slow and inefficient applications.

Node.js, however, uses single-threaded processing. A single-thread architecture can perform and scale much more quickly and efficiently than multiple-thread setups. 

Why use Node.js for your Backend?

There are many reasons developers prefer using NodeJs for the server side of their applications. NodeJs execution time is swift, and it runs very quickly. With more than 50,000 bundles available in the Node Package Manager, developers can import any packages at any time according to their needed functionality, saving a lot of time.

As NodeJs does not need to wait for an API to return data, it is beneficial for building real-time and data-intensive web applications. It is asynchronous, which means it is non-blocking. 

Loading times for audio and video are reduced in Node.js thanks to its optimal code synchronization between the client and server for having the same code base.

As NodeJs is open-source and is a JavaScript framework, it is straightforward for developers who are already used to JavaScript to start developing their projects with NodeJs.

Asynchronous in Nature and Event-driven

The servers made with the NodeJs never wait; they directly move to the following API. So all the APIs of NodeJS are non-blocking in nature.

It follows an event-driven mechanism to receive and trace all responses from previous API requests. Hence, all the NodeJs APIs are non-blocking in nature.

Single Threaded Architecture

With event looping, a single-threaded architecture is followed by NodeJs, and this architecture makes NodeJs more scalable. In contrast to other servers, they create limited threads for processing requests.

Whereas for the event-driven mechanism, the NodeJS servers reply in a non-blocking or asynchronous manner; for this reason, NodeJS becomes more scalable compared to other traditional servers like Apache HTTP servers.

NodeJs handles a more significant number of requests, as a single-threaded program is followed by NodeJS, which allows NodeJs to process massive requests.


One of the most pressing concerns in Software Development is addressed by NodeJs: scalability. NodeJs uses a clustering module for managing load balancing for all active CPU cores.

One of the critical features of NodeJs is its ability to partition applications horizontally, a procedure mainly achieved by using child processes.

Partitioning ensures that distinct app versions are provided to the different target audiences, and customization allows them to cater to the client's preferences.

Compatibility on cross platforms

Different desktop systems and mobile devices can use NodeJs. For generating a self-sufficient execution, developers can pair it with any appropriate package. 

Uses JavaScript

From a developer's perspective, it is an essential aspect of NodeJs that it uses JavaScript; since most developers are familiar with it, it becomes significantly easier to migrate to NodeJs.

Fast Data Streaming

The processing time of data transmitted to different streams requires a long time. However, for processing data, NodeJs takes a concise amount of time and does it at a high-speed rate. NodeJs is very efficient thanks to files being processed and uploaded simultaneously. 

Node.js vs. Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails (RoR) is another popular server-side web application development solution. Even though both runtime environments can manage apps of any complexity, they are designed and constructed based on different visions and architectures.

Node.js is more appropriate for dynamic applications with numerous server requests and constant data shuffling between client and server.

Some examples of these are instant messaging apps, chats, and collaborative apps commonly referred to as RTAs (Real-Time Applications).

Event-based Node.js architecture handles heavy I/O operations, server requests, and data flow, which makes it the preferred solution for Single Page Applications (SPAs) that require intensive client-side processing and rendering.

On the other hand, Ruby on Rails performs better than Node.js in CPU-intensive applications. Node.js is a single-threaded environment not designed for CPU-intensive applications that deal with graphics, images, and data.

Computations on vast arrays of data may block all incoming requests, making the primary advantage of Node.js useless.

Rails is definitely a better option if you want to build a CPU-heavy application. Rails is also ideal for speed-critical projects, with several modules and generators ready to use.

While Node.js repositories provide generator scripts to make development more agile, fast prototyping is the essence of Ruby on Rails.

Node.js vs. Python

Python is a high-level, interpreted, object-oriented programming language focusing on readability and productivity; it supports multiple programming paradigms, making it an excellent choice for various business tasks.

As such, it provides ease of use and rapid development with a rich standard library and ecosystem.

Python is ideal for CPU-intensive applications, which we've already established aren't Node.js's strong suit. Python also holds the edge on time-critical development and deployment options.

With its rich standard library and modules available out of the box, you don't need to search for many utility modules and packages for your application.

Instead, you can immediately design a fully functional prototype, which the development team could supplement with other features later. Python's simple and concise syntax makes writing code very fast too.

However, when the performance and scalability of web applications are of concern, Node.js outperforms Python; it's lightweight and fast.

In addition, Node's power in handling heavy I/O operations and shuffling of data between the front and back end makes it the better choice for Single Page Applications and Real-Time Applications.

Node.js Trends for 2023

A well-liked runtime environment called Node.js facilitates the development of fully functional apps. Because of its adaptability, Node.js has become extremely popular not only in the field of developing web applications but also in mobile applications.

As a result, several development trends will emerge around 2022, some of which will significantly affect the application development industry.

The most significant Node.js development trends platform are as follows:

Rise of MEAN and MERN Stack

A free and open-source JavaScript stack for creating dynamic websites and applications is called MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node.js). The entire MEAN stack is compatible with JavaScript-based applications.

Due to a few of its advantages, MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.JS) is making a place for itself in the application development industry. This stack does away with the requirement for code-switching.

MEAN and MERN have established themselves as the tech stacks that make up formidable technologies in the field of application development and are employed by some of the biggest companies, like Netflix, PayPal, and more.

Dominance of GraphQL

The newest in Node.js development trends is GraphQL, which enables users to access Facebook APIs and change data.

The success of GraphQL can be attributed to its adaptability to a wide range of data sources and to how simple it is to install on many platforms with examples of placeholder structures.

Applications may easily connect Node.js with GraphQL to fetch data 50% faster; this will increase the use of GraphQL databases with NodeJS in the following years.

Since its release, GraphQL's popularity and demand have exploded. Developers are also highly familiar with this database, which operates at an unmatched speed.

Serverless Architecture

Serverless technology enables developers to focus more on creating apps and less on maintaining infrastructure. So, serverless advantages include lower costs, more deployments, and more flexibility.

Numerous frameworks and packages are also available to speed up development. These features help developers save a tonne of time, which is one of the factors in their decision to use Node.js.

Internet of Things (IoT)

For creating IoT applications, JavaScript offers an excellent platform called Node.js. Most well-known IoT companies have already started hiring specialists to create Node. Js-based IoT apps to better take advantage of microservices, real-time capabilities, and data-centric strategies.

Node.js's main advantage is that it enables quicker real-time execution. In addition, it takes less memory and other resources on the server side. As a result, Node.js enables programmers to create scalable and practical IoT applications.

Node.js In Cloud Computing

Moving to the cloud to increase performance and cut costs is nothing new nowadays. However, Node.js proved incredibly effective in creating a cloud-based app because of its serverless architectural feature.

Given Node.js's prominence, Google has made various Node.js tools accessible to developers. These resources can help you construct cloud applications more quickly.

Developers can use Node.js in their current cloud projects and create brand-new cloud apps. So, with Node.js, a company can scale its existing cloud apps while staying within a budget.

Real-time Apps

Real-time apps were in high demand in 2021 for various online activities. Real-time apps are Node.js' most common cause. Real-time apps with a high user engagement rate provide a wealth of incredible features and speed.

These apps include live chat, gamification, social media integration, ad servers, stock market functionality, and other features.

Node.js satisfies all requirements set forth by the ecosystem. Here are some examples of real-time applications you can build with Node.js

Microservices in Demand

Enterprise-level apps have more sophisticated features and functionality than other types of software.

Microservices are a must-have if you want to build an enterprise-level project. They bring numerous features to enhance performance and debugging and support server outlook. You can quickly access and use Microservices in your project with Node.Js.

Microservices are in demand because they produce serverless models, guaranteeing large-scale applications' easy construction. For several reasons, Node.Js development is increasingly using microservices.


The discussion, as mentioned earlier, indicates that Node.js' popularity has increased significantly in recent years due to its broad range of capabilities and efficiency, allowing app developers to do the unthinkable.

As a result, many businesses have started creating platforms or apps utilizing Node.js, proving the platform's tremendous stability and growth.

In addition, building real-time functionality and simplifying process databases can be done well with Node.js. Node.Js has a promising future, given these recent advancements and contributions.

NodeJS development has accelerated the growth of scalable app development in several ways, benefiting startups and enterprises.

If you are also looking for nodeJS development, keep in mind the things mentioned above while developing applications. Node.js' popularity has expanded recently, allowing app developers to do the inconceivable.

As a result, many companies have begun to build platforms or develop applications based on Node.js, demonstrating that the platform is stable and scalable.

Ultimately, Node.js is an excellent platform for building real-time functionality and streamlining workflow databases.

Are you looking forward to making use of Node.js capabilities in 2023? Don't hesitate to contact us