How to detect content generated by AI?

Artificial intelligence for content creation is gaining more and more followers among Marketing specialists and professionals from various sectors. It offers excellent features to streamline and optimize all content marketing processes. You can speed up some tasks within a content strategy, such as choosing topics for publications or their titles. It can also be beneficial to classify keywords according to search intent, find relevant keywords, or, in the case of content for social networks, choose the best hashtags.

Andrés Jimenez
February 29, 2024

Another advantage is that it can make it much easier to elaborate on specific points of an article, such as the choice of frequently asked questions. 

As it is a tool that perfectly understands spoken and written language, it can be asked any question to develop texts in a specific language, or it can be asked to do a translation.

Even so, the controversy is served; for now, neither artificial intelligence can replace human creativity nor put the same passion or personal experiences into each marketing action we carry out. But, without a doubt, AI can be an excellent ally for the marketing professional in obtaining data.

From artificial intelligence, content can be built in multiple formats: videos, audio, images, and texts.

However, text generation algorithms have automatically become a reference in the design of content strategies, although there are also some impressive experiences in creating images with AI.

We are facing an emerging technology that is undoubtedly marking a before and after in making content, which poses numerous challenges for professionals in the sector.

We must also think that the answer generated by the AI ​​to any question is the result of information collected from users on a specific topic. 

This means that some or all of this information may be copyrighted. In the same way, this information may be incorrect or invented, or it may be manipulated or outdated since it is an application that is learning based on data provided by users.s.

With all of the above, we want to emphasize that an application endowed with artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT or any other, can help in a content strategy but cannot replace human work because any data or information must be verified.

If you are looking for a way to detect AI-generated content, keep reading this article. 

Tools used to detect AI

Some tools allow you to detect whether a text can be written by a person or by an AI since, as we have mentioned, there are factors that software cannot express because it is not capable of understanding them, but a person can.


 Detect AI-generated content created in ChatGPT, GPT3, GPT2, Jasper, and others. A platform that highlights specific elements written by a human and those written by AI, offering a new level of insight and transparency. 

With 99.12% accuracy, you'll get the most detailed and accurate findings in seconds. AI content detector that supports multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, Italian, Russian, Polish, Romanian, Dutch, Swedish, Czech, and Norwegian, with more languages ​​currently in the works.


Content at Scale

It is a content detection tool designed to detect AI-generated content. The tool uses cutting-edge artificial intelligence to see patterns and predict the most likely word choices leading to a higher probability of AI detection. 

Unlike most free AI detectors and classifiers, the Content at Scale tool employs multiple tiers with three AI components, including NLP, semantic analysis algorithms, and SERP analysis capabilities. 

The tool uses natural language processing algorithms and semantic analysis to detect patterns in text that indicate AI-generated content. 

The tool analyzes various aspects of the text, such as word usage, sentence structure, tone, and writing style. The tool also uses SERP analysis capabilities to identify patterns in online content that may indicate AI-generated content.

OpenAI detector

Output Detector GPT-2 tool based on OpenAI code examines your text and tells you the probability that it was written by a human or an AI. 

The tool marks a green bar to indicate the probability that the content is genuine, written by real people, and marks another red bar to give the level of possibility that it is content generated by artificial intelligence. To check your text's authenticity level, go to openAI detector

Then paste the text you want to check into the placeholder, then the tool provides numbers automatically. To be verified, your text must be between 50 and 700 words. If your text exceeds 700 words, the tool cannot run the analysis. 

If no results appear after a few seconds, the word count of your copied and pasted text is over its limit.

AI Text Classifier

It's a new tool from the Open AI company, the same creators of ChatGPT, that detects whether or not a passage of text has been written with ChatGPT and similar AI writing tools. 

To use AI Text Classifier, you must sign up for a free Open AI account. Once you have an account, you can use AI Text Classifier. To use AI Text Classifier, paste a document block to analyze (at least 1,000 characters, approximately 175 words) in the text field and click the submit button. 

AI Text Classifier will classify text as Very Unlikely, Likely, Unlikely, Possibly, or Probably written with an AI tool.

What do these tools use to validate the content?

Arithmetic analysis

In this approach, various numbers, such as term regularity, sentence length, and linguistic construction, are calculated from vast amounts of AI-generated text and human-written content. 

The AI ​​classifier then matches the figures in the entered content to the human handwriting data and the AI-generated handwriting in the text body to perform a calculation. 

The tool is trained to detect how a user has exposed the content and made it their own; for this, it needs to be updated regularly to determine if a text is generated by AI.

Deep learning

The system learns to detect shapes in the content and predict their origin based on these shapes and patterns. 

There are ways in which AI detection tools learn by themselves and continue to improve as you dig deeper into the content.

Natural linguistic dispersion

This tactic involves consuming procedures such as sentiment scrutiny, object identification, and linguistic classification to extract evocative data from the content. 

The AI ​​classifier then uses this data to make a rough estimate of the source of the content.

Tool to detect AI-generated images


In 2021, a GAN detector was created to know if an image was created with Artificial Intelligence quickly and easily. Determining whether an image has been generated by a person or artificial intelligence is even more complicated. 

In this area, the most advanced is to detect if an image has been created with generative adversarial networks (GANs), which is what generative AIs use. 

It is expected that over time, other tools similar to this one will originate that can offer better results and allow people to quickly identify the images generated by Artificial Intelligence.


AI is an emerging technology transforming how businesses and individuals interact. With the increasing availability of vast amounts of data and its processing, innovations in AI have allowed machines to learn and perform tasks that were previously feasible only for humans. 

The ability to produce content with AI has advanced significantly in recent years, making it increasingly difficult to distinguish between machine-generated and human-generated content. 

His abilities are unique: he can write poems, stories, scripts, summaries, and even solve mathematical problems or programs. 

Businesses and publishers of online content and teachers are often challenged with detecting AI-generated content. The tools are helpful for any company or content publisher looking to detect AI-generated content and anyone looking to check if a student's work has more help than it should.