How do you carry out a high-impact HR interview in IT?

As an IT Recruiter, you have to prepare a high-impact interview. The reason is that nowadays it’s not enough to ask good questions, we have to ask interesting questions, sell the entire experience to the candidates.

Melina Sedlar
February 29, 2024

During the first interview, the recruiter team tries to cause good impression. To achieve that, it is necessary to think about all details, i.e. consider the importance of a great development at a first interview, make amazing questions which attract the candidate's attention, motivate their desires to work in our company and transmit the company’s values.

But, first: What is a bad interview?

To understandwhat is a “good Interview” we have to review what are the most common mistakesthat candidates make.

Here are some examples of whathappens during a failed HR interview, candidates:

● Connect late to the meeting. This shows a lack of interest and commitment from the start.

● Don't explain experiences by providing details. This can be seen as a lack of communication.

● Speak ill of former bosses or colleagues. If they do, even if they are right, the image they convey is that they cannot be trusted and that at first they push people away around them.

● Doesn't know how to describe themselve. Although we know that it is not an easy task, being able to talk about ones strengths and weaknesses it shows that we have a self-perception of our qualities.

● Try to pretend and deceive the interviewer. It is better to appear natural and confident, without appearing naive or arrogant.

● Use profanity or inappropriate phrases.


Now, let's see: What is a “good” interview?

In this section, we are going to mention some key points to achieve a successful interview.

A successful interview is one where the candidate..

● Explains well and relates their past experiences, describes old work projects, roles, tasks, and use of technologies (they can use the resource of going from the highest tothe lowest, first telling about the project, then the role, task, andtechnology involved).

● Is honest by showing his strengths and weaknesses.

● Provides the necessary information to evaluate if it is a "match" with the culture of the organization.

● Is respectful and interested throughout the interview. Even if they don´t find the correct answers.

● Is grateful for all the information that the recruiter provides.


How do we do it at Devlane?

At Devlane our main objective is to provide a comfortable space for the candidate to discover if the vacancy and the company's culture are of interest.

We achieve this by considering the scope of the opportunity, making the impact of working in a team of great professionals visible,where there is room to propose ideas, travel, and work with the best positioned cutting-edge technologies on the market.

After introducing them, we evaluate the competencies we believe are most important to achieve our objectives. Among them, we can find communication, organization, and teamwork.

Communication is evaluated through the speech, how the candidate presents himself, what level of detail he provides, what expressions he uses.

The organization is evaluated considering how he orders the ideas that he wants to present to the interviewer and finally, teamwork emerges from the words that he uses to refer to his work team, both leaders and peers.

We also usually present situations or triggers to identify these points.The truest part of the candidate appears when they comment on how they deal with situations.

Once we receive all that information, we seek to understand the candidates in a deep way, what motivates them, where they want to focus in their professional career and, above all, to know what they like to do in their free time since we understand that it is important to have people in the team who also know how to enjoy activities outside of work.

In this way, one of the latest tools that we have incorporated is a test that is carried out through an online game that allows us to know the qualities of our candidates.

This information allows us to better understand and communicate with each one,providing an excellent experience from the very beginning of the process.

It gives us the tools to know what motivates them, what challenges they may be facing, and how we can partner with them to help they grow.

At the same time,it allows us to continue growing and being at the forefront by incorporating the best technological tools on the market.

If there issomething that makes us stand out as a company, it is the importance we give to our clients and candidates throughout the process.

This work that we carry outfrom the Talent team is in constant movement and improvement, because we believe that we must always continue paying attention to what our candidates ask from us.

Finally, this is reflected in the quality surveys that we offer to all those who have a link with Devlane, through them we can always see which points to improve.


In such a changing world of work, offering a space to train and grow professionally should be the challenge taken up by all companies.

The achievement of objectives and personal satisfaction is what reaffirms our identity as “Laners”.

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